

Sunday, October 24, 2010


Jo No Fui
Spring 2011

Fur Town [the band]

Love sex Money
F/W 2010

'Dammit, I forgot what I had to say.'

Rochas Paris
F/W 2010-2011


A Cacharel faave.

Tv is always the best on Sundays I find. I'm currently hiding from roommates and pretending to clean my room. I've far too much homework, but the type that can be pushed further behind with procrastination. I went to Ottawa the other day to watch the National Ballet of Canada do three variations. Balanchine, Chouinard, and Crystal Pite. Jesus. It was amazing. I can't even describe. Tears were shed. It was groundbreaking stuff.
Crystal Pite, by the way, is a genius.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Celebrity doppelganger, no big deal. Don't we all wish we were Kenny G at some time in our lives?

Monday, October 18, 2010

Tokyo Police Club

Best photo spread I've seen in a long time, T.V.
Much thanks.
[The last one's my fave.]

Spot the Differences

Who wore it better?
Hmmm... what's that I hear? The resounding applause is for Alexa? Thank goodness the general population is on my side. Blake, we love you, but this Chanel number is not for you. In fact, Alexa Chung will forever be superior to you in every single way.
I apologize profusely.
Perhaps it's due to her awkwardly cool stance, long skinny limbs, or her ever fabulous hair.
Yes, it's definitely all three.

Doreen Taking a Ride

This is not my ride, this is somebody else's.
I think it's a fabulous photo, but I'm mildly concerned about the suited man in the background.
Jeeze Louise, I sure wish I was this kid.
First of all, she has fabulous hair, a cute dress, and is somehow allowed to ride alligators.
Those sure were the Roaring Twenties.

13 Days

Happy almost Halloween folkies.
For the special occasion I'm thinking of being a Hell's Angel. Leather hot pants, jean vest, fake Ed Hardy tattoos.
Pretty much got it down pat.
Now to only make it weather and school administrative proof...

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Thump Thump [Goes My Heart]

Vegetarian pigs in a blanket should not exist.
Nor should the fruit flies that are sashaying from the kitchen into my bedroom.
Ick. I've spent all day trying to catch them.
Nor should this heinous dance essay that I've been trying to write all day.
Who cares about why it still exists in the 21 century? I certainly don't.


Tattoos I'd love to have, but would be killed for getting.
[No Mom, this is not a teenage revolt. I will not regret this in thirty years. Okay... the Kanye one I might. But the dancing Jesus one is actually too funny.]
I've wanted one since I was about six and also had the dream of driving a motorcycle. That dream is gone [I think of safety now], but I'd still love to puncture my skin with needles and permanent ink. Hmm... funny.
Behind the ear, wrist, hip, or foot.
Perhaps when I'm eighteen, and my family can't kill me or kick me out.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Abandoned hospitals. Like scenes from horror movies.
Crash and burn my mattress bed.
No sleep for the weak, a week of sleep.
Die, end, near, walls.

Monday, October 4, 2010


Artist Laurie Simmons makes fabulous creations avec dolls and household objects.
C'est magnifique!